In 2020, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) together with the African Regional Office of the World Health Organization (AFRO WHO) in the context of the Global Polio Eradiction Program (GPEI) decided to buid a rapid population estimate model to help in preparing and
coordinating vaccination campaigns. This project was coordinated in many countries among which Cameroon. The result of this study available in raster and vector point format was aggregated to the health area boundaries to generate the above map.


This course was mainly on layer visualization. I learned how to handle layer visualization in both 2D and 3D views. Modules such as symbol classes, renderers and popups where highlighted. In symbol classes I learned how to use 2D and 2D symbols in the API. In renderers,
I learned how to use simple renderers for general symbols, Class break renderer for numeric symbolisation, unique value renderer for categorization and visual variables.

This course was a great one and the most challenging part was to understand 3D symbols. But overall I am happy of what I learned !!!!!

developed by: Derrick DEMEVENG